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MLAC3976: Target Language Research Project (Two Languages)

Please ensure you check the module availability box for each module outline, as not all modules will run in each academic year. Each module description relates to the year indicated in the module availability box, and this may change from year to year, due to, for example: changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Current modules are subject to change in light of the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19.

Type Open
Level 3
Credits 120
Availability Not available in 2024/2025
Module Cap None.
Location Durham
Department Modern Languages and Cultures


  • The relevant core language modules in the languages for which the TLRP will be completed.


  • None

Excluded Combinations of Modules

  • MLAC3986 Target Language Research Project (One Language)


  • To provide students with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of aspects of their studies linked to the target culture, by producing a research project in each of the languages they intend to study at Level 3.
  • By providing experience in planning, documenting and writing two research projects, the TLRP will increase the facility of students to express themselves at a suitable academic level in their target languages, and will give them experience in presenting and referencing pieces of writing according to standard academic conventions.
  • The TLRP will provide invaluable practice, particularly at the level of the development of primary research skills, for students taking a dissertation module in MLAC. It will also provide benefit for students wishing to progress to postgraduate study.
  • The TLRP aims to develop and enhance strategies for independent learning and initiative; to foster a genuine commitment to research and the utilization of appropriate research methodologies; and to develop the ability to write fluently and accurately in the target language.
  • By focusing on questions of intercultural awareness at an advanced intellectual level, the TLRP seeks to offer a forum for academic engagement and reflection in matters of critical interest relevant to the contexts and environments under discussion.
  • The TLRP seeks to enhance the employability of students by allowing them to demonstrate their ability as independent learners and researchers in the context of a research project that dovetails with the Universitys principles for the development of the taught curriculum. Skills will be developed specifically through enquiry-led activities that will provide students with the competences to succeed in the world of work and the ability to manage their own intellectual and professional development. By focusing specifically on questions of relevant intercultural interest, students will develop as international citizens so that they can make a positive contribution to an increasingly globalized society.


  • The TLRP (2 Languages) involves researching and writing during the year abroad two essays in the target languages to be studied at Level 3. Each piece of work should be informed by the students intercultural awareness and knowledge of the target culture, and should be based on analysis of suitable primary materials (e.g. literary texts, films, visual culture, theatre, popular culture, mass media, historical or political texts).
  • Students will choose a general topic area for each language from a list issued by the School, and will work with their supervisors before the end of their second year and during the year abroad to define their topics, plan their approach and and identify suitable resources.
  • Finalized copies must be submitted electronically by the date stated on the relevant Learn Ultra pages for Target Language Research Project in advance of Michaelmas Term of the final year of study.
  • Students will receive written feedback by the second week of the Michaelmas Term, and key aspects of good practice applicable to the final-year dissertation will be discussed with the relevant dissertation supervisor.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • By completing the TLRP students will have acquired greatly enhanced knowledge of a specialized subject and have gained considerably in their intercultural awareness. They will be familiar with both primary and secondary sources, and with the wider debates surrounding the cultural media/artefacts that form the basis of their analysis.

Subject-specific Skills:

  • Students will have developed their ability to express complex ideas in a suitable register in the target language and will have completed research projects envisaged specifically as preparation for the final-year dissertation. They will also have had the opportunity to develop their information-finding skills in the target-language culture, in some cases in non-academic settings.

Key Skills:

  • Students will have developed their ability to research a subject independently using primary and secondary sources, plan a coherent argument with the evidence to support it, present arguments clearly and cogently in a sustained piece of writing, and conform to the norms of academic referencing.

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Students will prepare for the TLRP by taking the relevant core language modules at levels 1 and 2, and by attending the Schools Ongoing Induction programme, which focuses on the development of key research skills including academic writing, evaluating and using sources, and approaches to textual analysis. Students will receive language-specific instruction as part of their second-year core language modules.
  • A list of general topic areas will be made available to students in year 2. The specific topic of each TLRP will be agreed with the supervisor, and students will follow an agreed programme of reading whilst supplementing their work by displaying evidence of independent research skills and initiative.
  • As students are expected to spend at least four months in each of their host cultures, it is expected that they will engage with the TLRP as soon as they arrive, and that they will work towards initial consultation with their supervisor within one month of arrival.
  • Supervisors will give feedback via email at three distinct phases of production: (a) an initial compulsory proposal of no more than 200 words outlining an approach to the chosen topic area, which will have to be approved by the supervisor before proceeding onto the next stage; (b) a 500-word essay plan outlining the direction to be explored in the project and listing key bibliographic items that have already proven to be useful; and (c) a 500-word sample from the essay.
  • In each instance, comments and feedback will be given to the student on standardized TLRP feedback forms. To ensure parity of treatment between students completing the TLRP, supervisors will not read additional drafts or give any other form of additional guidance.
  • Any changes of topic must be approved by the supervisor.
  • Finalized copies must be submitted electronically by the date stated on the relevant Learn Ultra pages for Target Language Research Project in advance of Michaelmas Term of the final year of study. Students will receive written feedback by the second week of the Michaelmas Term, and key aspects of good practice applicable to the dissertation will be discussed with the relevant dissertation supervisor.
  • Assessment will evaluate students ability to assimilate, understand and analyse critically the primary and secondary material associated with their topics; their intercultural awareness; their ability to present a sustained argument with suitable evidence; their ability to express themselves fluently and accurately in the target language, paying due attention to the relevant conventions of academic writing; and the extent to which their experience abroad has informed the project.
  • Students will also be expected to produce a full and properly presented bibliography.
  • TLRPs written in French, German, Italian or Spanish shall be up to 2,500 words in length. Those written in Arabic or Russian shall be up to 2,000 words in length.
  • The TLRP is not credit-bearing, but a mark for each essay will be shown on the students degree transcript. Students whose average mark for the two essays is at least 40% will have passed the TLRP (2 Languages) and will proceed to the Year Abroad programme; those whose average mark for the two essays is below 40% will be transferred to the non-year abroad version of the programme.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours


Summative Assessment

Component: TLRP project (two languages)Component Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Essay in Target Language (first language)French, German, Italian, Spanish = 2,500 words. Arabic, Russian = 2,000 words.50No
Essay in Target Language (second language)French, German, Italian, Spanish = 2,500 words. Arabic, Russian = 2,000 words.50No

Formative Assessment

To be e-mailed to supervisor for each TLRP essay: 200-word proposal, 500-word plan and 500-word sample (all in the target language).

More information

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