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MATH2727: Topology II

Please ensure you check the module availability box for each module outline, as not all modules will run in each academic year. Each module description relates to the year indicated in the module availability box, and this may change from year to year, due to, for example: changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Current modules are subject to change in light of the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19.

Type Open
Level 2
Credits 10
Availability Available in 2024/2025
Module Cap None.
Location Durham
Department Mathematical Sciences


  • Calculus I (Maths Hons) (MATH1081) or Calculus I (MATH1061) AND Linear Algebra I (Maths Hons) (MATH1091) or Linear Algebra I (MATH1071) AND Analysis I (MATH1051)


  • Complex Analysis II (MATH2011)

Excluded Combinations of Modules

  • None


  • To provide an introduction to topology. To build up the theory of topological spaces, or point-set topology, from axioms.
  • To improve students' ability to construct proofs.
  • To provide background necessary for applying topology in other areas of mathematics.


  • Topological spaces and continuous functions.
  • Open sets, closed sets, limit points and closure, examples of topologies.
  • Compact, connected, and Hausdorff spaces.
  • The product and quotient topologies.
  • Topological groups and group actions.
  • Urysohn Metrisation theorem.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • By the end of the module, students will:
  • Be able to solve a range of predictable and unpredictable problems in Topology, have an awareness of the abstract concepts of theoretical mathematics in the field of Topology, and have a knowledge and understanding of this subject demonstrated through one or more of the following topic areas:
  • Topological spaces.
  • Hausdorff, compact, and connected spaces.
  • The product and quotient topologies.
  • Topological groups and group actions.

Subject-specific Skills:

  • In addition students will have specialised mathematical skills in the following areas which can be used with minimal guidance: Spatial awareness.

Key Skills:

  • Students will have basic mathematical skills in the following areas: problem solving, abstract reasoning.

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Lectures demonstrate what is required to be learned and the application of the theory to practical examples.
  • Formative assessments provide feedback to guide students in the correct development of their knowledge and skills in preparation for the summative assessment.
  • Tutorials provide active engagement and feedback to the learning process.
  • Problem classes show how to solve example problems in an ideal way, revealing also the thought processes behind such solutions.
  • The end-of-year examination assesses the knowledge acquired and the ability to solve predictable and unpredictable problems.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Lectures222 per week in Epiphany and in first week of Easter1 hour22 
Tutorials5Fortnightly in Epiphany and one in Easter1 hour5Yes
Problems Classes5Fortnightly in Epiphany1 hour5 
Preparation and Reading68 

Summative Assessment

Component: ExaminationComponent Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Examination2 hours100 

Formative Assessment

Fortnightly written assignments.

More information

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Current Students: Please contact your department.