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Please ensure you check the module availability box for each module outline, as not all modules will run in each academic year. Each module description relates to the year indicated in the module availability box, and this may change from year to year, due to, for example: changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Current modules are subject to change in light of the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19.

Type Open
Level 3
Credits 20
Availability Available in 2024/2025
Module Cap None
Location Durham
Department Geography




  • NONE

Excluded Combinations of Modules


  • The aim of this module is to examine interactions between human and physical processes in the Arctic. On the one hand, political institutions, individual livelihoods, and economic development strategies are adapting to an Arctic environment that is increasingly accessible to outsiders. On the other hand, key elements of the Arctic environment are undergoing rapid change due to transformations wrought by human activity both within and beyond the region (e.g. permafrost degradation, reduction in sea ice and glaciers, etc.). This module joins perspectives from human and physical geography to interrogate the interface between these trends in social and environmental change.


  • Indicative topics to be covered include:
  • The Arctic Environment
  • Climate of the Arctic
  • Arctic biogeography
  • Permafrost
  • Arctic glaciers
  • The Arctic Ocean and sea ice
  • The palaeo-geography of the Arctic
  • Defining the Arctic
  • Determining the Arctics borders in space and time, from a human and physical perspective
  • Outsiders perspectives on Arctic barrenness and Arctic abundance
  • Arctic indigenous peoples
  • The Arctic as site of exploration and colonial expansion
  • Arctic identity in northern nation-states
  • The Arctic in the Cold War
  • Contemporary dynamics concerning population, resource extraction, economic development, urbanisation, regional autonomy, and regional integration
  • The Arctic amidst Climate Change
  • The Arctic Amplification effect and Global Warming
  • Recent and future changes in Arctic ice (permafrost, glaciers, sea ice)
  • Future changes in Arctic environments
  • Governance in a Changing Arctic
  • The Arctics growing economic significance (e.g. oil, gas, shipping)
  • Indigenous rights and pan-Arctic solidarity
  • The Arctic Council and geopolitical tensions

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
  • Understand the present-day Arctic environment and demonstrate detailed knowledge of key changes that are occurring over a range of time-scales
  • Understand the relationship between the Arctic environment and ongoing efforts to foster and regulate economic development, state governance, and indigenous self-determination in the Arctic

Subject-specific Skills:

  • Comprehend and evaluate key issues impacting on Arctic environments from both a human and physical geography perspective, with a particular emphasis on recent and future climate change and how this may affect global systems (including climate, sea level, economic activity, migration patterns, geopolitical competition)
  • Understand fundamentals deployed in advocating, making, and implementing environmental policy

Key Skills:

  • Critical analysis and interpretation of data and text
  • Gain practical experience in researching, articulating, and negotiating the perspective of a political (state or non-state) organisation
  • Solving problems and making reasoned decisions
  • Develop team work skills at the interface between human and physical geography
  • Communicate effectively in writing and through discussions, debates and oral presentations
  • Identify, retrieve, sort, and exchange information from a wide range of sources

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Lectures will introduce students to key topics in the human and physical geography of the Arctic, building the necessary foundation from which students can embark on independent reading and semi-independent study of the focus topic for the field trip. At the end of the lecture period, students will be tasked with writing an essay on one of a number of set questions
  • The September fieldtrip will consist of four components, including:
  • Organised tours and lectures that will introduce students to the economy and history of Troms and northern Norway, the workings of the Arctic Council, and the Arctic environment.
  • A field component in and around the Lyngen Alps and the border region between Norway and Finland that will involve observations and data collection of relevant processes in an Arctic glacial environment and consideration of geopolitical issues and borders
  • Independent research, using resources available to them in Troms, including the Arctic Council secretariat, consulates, advocacy organisation's, and business associations; secondary datasets pertaining to physical processes (e.g. climate, glacier, sea-ice, sea-level data, etc.); and data gathered during the human and physical geography field visits.
  • A mock Arctic Council meeting at which student groups will present their organisation or states position on the Arctic environmental issue in question and demonstrate their understanding through engagement with other student teams representing other constituencies. The topic, and the specific question to be addressed will draw on both human and physical geographic knowledge. Participation in this component will be assessed through two means: 1) a written draft declaration produced by each group that reflects the groups position, its knowledge of the issue, and its understanding of both Arctic politics and the Arctic Council diplomatic environment; and 2) an assessment of the groups presentation at the mock Arctic Council meeting
  • Following the end of the field trip, students will be tasked with writing individual policy memos on the same topic that was the focus of the mock Arctic Council meeting. Workshops will review findings from field work and prepare students for their policy memos.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Lectures42 hours8Yes
Lecture (fieldtrip Health & Safety briefing)12 hours2Yes
Fieldwork18 days8 hours per day64Yes
Post-fieldwork tutorials22 hours4 
Reading and preparation122 

Summative Assessment

Component: EssayComponent Weighting: 30%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
EssayMax 4 sides A4100 
Component: Draft declarationComponent Weighting: 10%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Draft declaration (groupwork)Max 4 sides A4100 
Component: Field presentation (Mock Arctic Council)Component Weighting: 20%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Field group presentation (Mock Arctic Council)20 minutes100 
Component: Policy memoComponent Weighting: 40%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Policy memoMax 5 sides A4100 

Formative Assessment

During a lecture session, students will be given a quiz on the Arctic topics covered during the previous lectures and associated readings, and answers will be discussed in class. Results will serve to increase students awareness of gaps in their knowledge which can direct their efforts to improve performance on the summative components. Staff will also schedule one-on-one meetings on the fieldtrip when students can receive verbal feedback on their essay plans. Additionally, peer feedback during the debate portion of the presentation day as one team rebuts the arguments made by another will foster learning that can lead to improvement on summative policy memos. Further peer feedback takes place in the follow-up workshops and will further assist students in preparing their summative policy memos. Formal feedback on summative declarations and preparations will also serve as formative feedback for the final, policy memo, assessment

More information

If you have a question about Durham's modular degree programmes, please visit our FAQ webpages, Help page or our glossary of terms. If you have a question about modular programmes that is not covered by the FAQ, or a query about the on-line Undergraduate Module Handbook, please contact us.

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Current Students: Please contact your department.