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ENGL3171: Writing Prose Fiction

Please ensure you check the module availability box for each module outline, as not all modules will run in each academic year. Each module description relates to the year indicated in the module availability box, and this may change from year to year, due to, for example: changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Current modules are subject to change in light of the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19.

Type Open
Level 3
Credits 20
Availability Available in 2024/2025
Module Cap 20
Location Durham
Department English Studies


  • None.


  • None

Excluded Combinations of Modules

  • None


  • To enable students to read and analyse prose fiction with a writer's eyes, with a particular sensitivity towards style
  • To introduce students to the array of literary techniques available to the writer of prose fiction and also a descriptive vocabulary for discussing these techniques
  • To enable students to produce (i.e. draft and edit) original pieces of prose fiction with a full awareness of the technical and aesthetic choices made in the process of writing
  • To analyse the creative writing of students alongside extracts from literary texts, revealing close reading as a method for learning how to write, and, vice versa, creative writing as a method for understanding both the stylistic qualities and historical content of canonical works
  • To introduce students to a range of prose fiction that showcases a wealth of styles


  • Students will approach a range of authors, beginning with James Joyce, from the perspective of both a student of literature and a creative writer on the lookout for usable techniques. Seminars will be structured around close readings of multiple literary extracts. We will focus on point-of-view, structure, and prose style, as well as how the historical context of literary works is expressed by the way in which they are written. From these examples, students will learn techniques they can use in their own writing, and think about the interaction between prose style and their chosen subject-matter.
  • Several seminars will include a writing challenge, allowing students to put what they have learned into practice. The final seminar will take the form of a writing workshop in which all students submit some original prose fiction for discussion and critique by the rest of the students on the module.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • students are expected to acquire a critical awareness of, and a descriptive vocabulary for discussing, the stylistic techniques of prose fiction.
  • students are expected to acquire an awareness of the aesthetic decisions made by writers and their relationship to matters of intellectual and historical context.

Subject-specific Skills:

  • close reading skills
  • editing skills
  • the ability to evaluate literary works in terms of their success as works of art (as well as providing a thematic or contextual analysis) and express this evaluation in analytical terms
  • the ability to compose original works of fiction and delineate their aesthetic aims
  • an informed awareness of the formal dimensions of literature which is the product of specific aesthetic choices and their manifestation in particular texts

Key Skills:

  • Students studying this module will develop:
  • a capacity to analyse critically
  • skills of effective communication and argument
  • competence in the planning and execution of prose compositions
  • the ability to articulate constructive criticism in a workshop setting
  • a capacity for independent thought and judgement
  • an ability to assess the critical ideas of others
  • skills in critical reasoning
  • an ability to handle information and argument in a critical manner
  • organisation and time-management skills

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Workshop seminars: encourage peer-group discussion, enable students to develop critical skills in the close reading and analysis of texts, and skills of effective communication and presentation; promote awareness of diversity of interpretation and methodology
  • One-to-one meetings with students: each student will receive at least two 15-minute one-to-one sessions in which they will receive feedback on their work-in-progress; in addition, their formative assessment will take the form of a further 15-minute one-to-one meeting in which up to 2,000 words of their prose fiction will be discussed. These sessions will encourage students to reflect critically and independently on their work
  • Independent but directed reading in preparation for seminars and one-to-ones provides an opportunity for students to enrich subject-specific knowledge and enhances their ability to develop appropriate subject-specific skills.
  • Coursework: the portfolio will be assessed according to the following criteria: Students will be assessed by a 6,000-word portfolio of prose fiction that they have written specifically for this module and a 1,000-word self-critique on their technical choices and the reasons behind their creative methods. Their fiction will be assessed in the light of the following criteria: control of form, tone, and style; originality of theme, voice and formal strategy; sophistication of conception and execution; expressiveness and imagination; ability to put the theoretical knowledge gained from the course into practice; ability to establish and achieve artistic goals; demonstration of appropriate technical skills; aesthetic coherence; sensitivity to audience and context.
  • Feedback: the written feedback that is provided after the assessed portfolio and self-critique will allow the students to reflect on their creative work and gain a more objective sense of its value, potential, theoretical assumptions, and how successful it was in fulfilling its goals.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Seminars10Fortnightly2 hours20 
One-to-one consultations215 minutes0.5 
Independent student research supervised by the Module Convenor10 
Formative assessment consultation115 minutes0.25 
Preparation and reading169.25 

Summative Assessment

Component: CourseworkComponent Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Portfolio6,000 words of original prose fiction, plus a 1,000-word self-critique100 

Formative Assessment

At the beginning of Epiphany term, each student will have a 15-minute individual consultation in which they will receive feedback on their formative portfolio of 2,000 words of prose fiction.

More information

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Current Students: Please contact your department.