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Please ensure you check the module availability box for each module outline, as not all modules will run in each academic year. Each module description relates to the year indicated in the module availability box, and this may change from year to year, due to, for example: changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Current modules are subject to change in light of the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19.

Type Open
Level 2
Credits 40
Availability Available in 2024/2025
Module Cap 20
Location Durham
Department Archaeology


  • Any one of: Archaeology Practicals (ARCH1061) or Introduction to Archaeological Methods (ARCH1047) with any of: Ancient Civilisations: Sources, Approaches & Methods (ARCH1017), Scientific Methods in Archaeology 1 (ARCH1027), Historical Archaeology: Methods and Sources (ARCH1037).


  • None

Excluded Combinations of Modules

  • ARCH2221 Advanced Skills in Archaeology (20 Credits)


  • * All modules marked with this symbol form part of an Accredited CIfA pathway
  • To train students in advanced technical and applied techniques for scientific, field and public archaeology.
  • To provide understanding of the context of these applied methods and techniques and their correct application, purpose.
  • To equip students with a range of transferable skills relevant to employment and training beyond archaeology.
  • To make students aware of the opportunities for careers using the skills acquired during their degree course.


  • This module builds on archaeological skills and knowledge developed at level 1 and offers advanced skills training in key areas of applied archaeological method. It delivers a sound knowledge of core professional techniques related to the recording and analysis of classes of primary archaeological materials, and thus develops skills required for their analysis and interpretation. Using hands-on and case-study-led, short independent projects supervised by academic staff, students can choose four options from the following list of which a selection will be available in any one year.
  • Advanced Material Analysis
  • Heritage Practice
  • Numismatics for Archaeologists
  • Archaeology of the Contemporary World
  • Constructing C14 Chronologies
  • Zooarchaeology: Identification and Analysis of Animal Bones
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Inscriptions for Archaeologists: Egyptian Hieroglyphs
  • Geographical Skills for Field Archaeologists
  • Roman Vessel and Medieval Window Glass
  • Experimental archaeology in the Botanic Gardens
  • Ceramic Studies: Manufacturing Techniques and Identification
  • Sensorial Methods
  • Generating Small Finds Reports
  • Pottery Drawing
  • Human Bioarchaeology
  • Historic Building Recording
  • Experimental Approaches to Understanding Palaeolithic Art
  • Digital Visualisation in Archaeology: Applications to Material and Visual Culture
  • Reading Stone Tools: An Introduction to Lithic Analysis
  • Stable Isotope Analysis of Archaeological Fauna
  • Remote Sensing (Airborne)
  • Any additional subject, as agreed by the Chair of Education Committee.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • A critical understanding of two core areas of archaeological practice.
  • Advanced understanding of the development of each technique.
  • Advanced knowledge of the purpose of each technique.
  • Knowledge of the context of the techniques and their varied applications in archaeology.
  • Clarification of the nature of the data set, investigation methods and safety arrangements.
  • Knowledge of compliance with organisation and legal requirements in the collection of data.

Subject-specific Skills:

  • An ability to independently apply learned techniques in two core areas of archaeological practice.
  • An ability to independently analyse and interpret archaeological data.
  • An ability to record and reference information accurately.
  • An ability to collect information to achieve research objectives.
  • An understanding of approved procedures and safe practices.
  • An ability to present results in a professional format according to the conventions of archaeological publication.

Key Skills:

  • An ability to evaluate critically the purpose, use and application of relevant professional skills, including the identification of any constraints.
  • An ability to participate effectively in group work in the field and/or class discussion.
  • An ability to ensure that tools and equipment are used safely.
  • An ability to ensure that safe working practices are observed and that hazards identified in the workplace are dealt with appropriately and reported promptly.
  • An ability to bring an independent project to a successful conclusion.
  • An ability to apply archaeological ethics and technical standards.
  • An ability to apply collection methods consistently and draw justifiable conclusions.
  • An ability to consult expert advice when additional information is required.
  • An ability to record investigation data clearly and accurately and store them securely for later analysis.
  • An ability to present results accurately in a professional format and in a manner appropriate to the audience.

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • The options are taught through a combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops, and practicals (in the field museum or classroom) and self-guided projects.
  • Lectures ensure the effective communication of key information and theoretical ideas, supported by reading lists and written summaries of follow-up notes posted on the VLE, enabling students to gain up-to-date knowledge, as well as guidance on further reading.
  • Tutorials ensure discussion and feedback between tutors and students individually and in small groups, in a relatively informal learning environment, enabling students to enhance, discuss, question and receive feedback on their knowledge and to gain experience in oral communication and collaborative group-work.
  • Classroom and museum practicals involve demonstrations and hands-on exercises using archaeological materials and facilities, undertaken in small to medium sized groups.
  • Field practicals are designed to provide students with a solid grounding in the principles and practices of specific applications and to facilitate the development of field, analytical and presentational skills, through systematic identification, recording and statistical treatment of archaeological material and data.
  • Workshops are designed to provide students with a solid grounding in the principles and practices of specific applications and to facilitate the development of analytical and presentational skills, through systematic identification, recording and statistical treatment of archaeological material and data.
  • Independent projects, provide opportunity for self-guided learning comprising independent data capture, analysis and interpretation, personal study, research and evaluation guided by lecturers, directed training, and reading lists of specialist books, articles and web-sites.
  • Assessment content varies but each option is summatively assessed through an independent project report or a series of exercises compiled into a report of 2000 words accompanied by appropriate supporting material (e.g. illustrations, maps, catalogue entries).
  • Formative assessment options vary between training components but comprise one of the following types of assessment: group presentations, essay or report plans, annotated bibliographies, practical tests, computer tests, practical assignments.
  • Research is embedded into the teaching of this module through the expertise of the lecturers and tutors. The examples and topics chosen within the curriculum will derive from the specialist research interests of the staff teaching the module. Students explore the processes by which knowledge is produced and presented, and develop skills in those processes.
  • Lectures may consist of pre-recorded videos and/or live presentations from tutors, and integrate break-out discussions, study exercises and other learning activities as appropriate to the material covered from week to week.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Lectures82 per term1 hour8 
Practical work164 per term3 hours48Yes
Tutorials42 per term1 hour4Yes
Self Guided Project Work412 hours24 
Preparation and Reading316 

Summative Assessment

Component: Reports A, B, C & DComponent Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Report A2000 words plus suitable supporting material25 
Report B2000 words plus suitable supporting material25 
Report C2000 words plus suitable supporting material25 
Report D2000 words plus suitable supporting material25 

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment may include a range of quizzes, short answer tests and other short assignments related to the learning outcomes of the module.

More information

If you have a question about Durham's modular degree programmes, please visit our FAQ webpages, Help page or our glossary of terms. If you have a question about modular programmes that is not covered by the FAQ, or a query about the on-line Undergraduate Module Handbook, please contact us.

Prospective Students: If you have a query about a specific module or degree programme, please Ask Us.

Current Students: Please contact your department.