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ANTH2257: Anthropology of the Body

Please ensure you check the module availability box for each module outline, as not all modules will run in each academic year. Each module description relates to the year indicated in the module availability box, and this may change from year to year, due to, for example: changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback. Current modules are subject to change in light of the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19.

Type Open
Level 2
Credits 10
Availability Available in 2024/2025
Module Cap None.
Location Durham
Department Anthropology


  • Health, Illness and Society (ANTH1041) OR Being Human (ANTH1111)


  • None.

Excluded Combinations of Modules

  • None.


  • To provide students with an advanced understanding of how socio-cultural anthropologists have understood the relationship between life as a social phenomenon and the body as a material reality, particularly in contexts relating to health and wellbeing.
  • To engage critically with contemporary research about bodies and embodied experience as socially contingent phenomena.
  • To evaluate how studies of bodily experience and practice can provide insights into contemporary events, questions and problems of both a global and local scale, including those pertaining to health and wellbeing.
  • To explore the implications of understanding socio-cultural /medical anthropology as a fundamentally embodied practice.


  • Key theoretical paradigms in socio-cultural and medical anthropology addressing life as a material and embodied phenomenon.
  • Contemporary ethnographic and theoretical engagements with the body as locus of social meaning and experience. Indicative topics might include:
  • Practices of care and therapy.
  • Beauty and bodily aesthetics.
  • Death and dying.
  • Religion and spirituality as embodied experience.
  • Anthropologies of disability and impairment.
  • Commodification and circulation of bodies and body-parts.
  • Gender.
  • Queer bodies.
  • Situated biologies.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • Demonstrate an advanced understanding of key theoretical paradigms in the anthropology of the body, and relevant critiques of these paradigms.
  • Deploy theoretical approaches to critique contemporary ethnographic research, and use contemporary research to critique established paradigms of embodied experience as socially contingent.
  • Apply anthropological approaches to contemporary questions and contexts in students everyday lives and beyond.
  • Be competent in accessing and assimilating specialised research literature of an advanced nature.

Subject-specific Skills:

  • By the end of the course, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of anthropological approaches to life as embodied and material.
  • Apply key skills (see below) to core concepts and debates in the anthropology of the body.

Key Skills:

  • By the end of the course, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate competence in the preparation and effective communication of research methods, data, interpretation and arguments in written and oral form.
  • Reflect on the socially contingent nature of their own embodied experience, and on the embodied nature of their knowledge of the world.
  • Link anthropological approaches to the body to contemporary events beyond the classroom.
  • Re-evaluate ethnography and theory in light of contemporary events and dynamics.

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Lectures will provide students with an outline of key knowledge, approaches and debates in the anthropology of the body, will discuss literature that students should explore, and will provide relevant examples of links to contemporary events and questions.
  • Seminars will explore ideas introduced in lectures in further detail, examine their relevance to different ethnographic contexts, and consider how they might be applied to contemporary events and dynamics.
  • Interactive components (for instance blog posts, vlogs and message boards) will provide students an opportunity to develop and communicate their own thoughts and ideas with feedback from their peers. Interactive peer-to-peer technologies may be used in formative assessment.
  • Preparation for seminars and reading time will allow students to develop their understanding of material prior to seminars and written assignments.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Lectures10Weekly1 hour10 
Seminars3Three-weekly1 hour3Yes
Preparation and Reading87 

Summative Assessment

Component: CourseworkComponent Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Essay2000 words100yes

Formative Assessment

500-word written assignment

More information

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