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It is possible that changes to modules or programmes might need to be made during the academic year, in response to the impact of Covid-19 and/or any further changes in public health advice.

Type Open
Level 4
Credits 60
Availability Available in 2024/2025
Module Cap
Location Durham
Department Geography


  • None.


  • None.

Excluded Combinations of Modules



  • To enable students to apply the skills, methods and knowledge acquired in the core and option modules to a specialist topic defined in consultation with a public-sector, private-sector or civil society vocational partner.
  • To enable students to acquire an advanced knowledge and understanding of a specialist sub-field relevant to their degree programme and their vocational partner; and
  • To enable students to undertake a research project in collaboration with a private or public sector or civil society partner, subject to the constraints of their relevant degree programme.


  • The module enables students to develop and execute an extended piece of research in an area defined in consultation with a vocational partner, where the project takes the form of a partner-framed question, student-framed project proposal, a reflective diary and a consultancy-style report.
  • The module covers principles of good research design, methodology and execution, including issues of ethics, rigour, creativity and validity.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • Students will develop an advanced knowledge and understanding of:
  • a single specialised sub-field relevant to their degree programme and their vocational partner;
  • appropriate theory and methodology;
  • how to analyse data pertinent to their sub-field;
  • how to formulate researchable problems and an appreciation of alternative approaches to research;
  • the importance of reflecting on their role as researchers in the context of different approaches to knowledge production; and
  • the ethics and politics of doing geographical research in the context of contemporary debates about research and its uses.

Subject-specific Skills:

  • Students will be able to:
  • develop and execute an appropriate dissertation pertinent to their chosen degree programme;
  • negotiate the terms of reference for a research project in collaboration with a vocational partner;
  • critically reflect on the development, application / testing, and evaluation of appropriate methods of research and analysis;
  • identify and reflect on the epistemological, political and ethical implications of their choice of research methods;
  • reflect critically on their role as a researcher;
  • verbally report on what they found in the course of their research to a non-specialist audience.

Key Skills:

  • Ability to deliberate, to discuss, to negotiate and to decide on research directions, through contact with their vocational partner and/or supervisor
  • Ability to write an advanced level report of a substantial nature
  • Ability to write clearly and concisely, explaining the project brief and aims, activities carried out and a coherent discussion and summary of findings;
  • Independent management of a consultancy-style project (in collaboration with and under guidance from the vocational partner and/or dissertation adviser);
  • Advanced quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis, as appropriate.
  • Exercise of initiative and skill in written communication.

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Students will be responsible for identifying a possible vocational partner, with suggestions provided by the Module Convenor. The Module Convenor may assist with initial contacts with the vocational partner and will identify a supervisor.
  • Students will be responsible for meeting any costs associated with any placement (such as travel costs, accommodation, etc.).
  • An initial electronic (video-conference preferably; possibly teleconference) meeting between the student, the partner and the supervisor will be used to develop the research focus.
  • The student will then be responsible for developing the proposal for their research, to be agreed by both the vocational partner and the supervisor. This will include a statement from the vocational partner of the resources to be made available to the student, including research tools, contact and, in some cases, desk space.
  • Individual supervision will be provided during the academic year as required.
  • Additional guidance, under the agreement, will be provided by the vocational partner.
  • The student will produce a project proposal, and will additionally receive feedback on two draft sections of the consultancy-style report. The timing and content of this work will be specified in the module guide.
  • Assessment is by means of a consultancy-style report of 10,000 words (including footnotes but excluding references), a completed reflective research diary of 5000 words, and a compulsory 10 minute oral presentation followed by questions. Students will be advised on the format of their consultancy-style report and research diary, being given specific advice on the format and examples of good practice.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Meetings with supervisor /industrial partnerVariesVariesVaries10Yes
Workshops42 x T1; 2 x T22 hours8 
End of year Conference1Once2-3 days24Yes
Self-directed learning558 

Summative Assessment

Component: Vocational Dissertation in the style of a consultancy reportComponent Weighting: 65%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Vocational Dissertation in the style of a consultancy report10,000 words100Yes
Component: Research DiaryComponent Weighting: 25%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Research Diary5000 words100Yes
Component: Oral PresentationComponent Weighting: 10%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Oral Presentation10 minutes100Yes

Formative Assessment

The student will produce and receive written feedback on: a) a research proposal (500 words) b) comments on one draft section of the report. They will receive oral feedback on work produced for supervision.

More information

If you have a question about Durham's modular degree programmes, please visit our Help page. If you have a question about modular programmes that is not covered by the Help page, or a query about the on-line Postgraduate Module Handbook, please contact us.

Prospective Students: If you have a query about a specific module or degree programme, please Ask Us.

Current Students: Please contact your department.