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BUSI4S310: Whole Energy Systems

It is possible that changes to modules or programmes might need to be made during the academic year, in response to the impact of Covid-19 and/or any further changes in public health advice.

Type Tied
Level 4
Credits 10
Availability Not available in 2024/2025
Module Cap None.
Location Durham
Department Management and Marketing


  • None


  • None

Excluded Combinations of Modules

  • None


  • This module is designed solely for students studying on the Master of Energy Systems Management
  • To provide an overview and describe the characteristics of heating and cooling systems that are not based on carbon technologies.


  • Whole system energy overview (balancing security of supply, cost and environmental impact)
  • The risks in running a low carbon energy system
  • The direction of energy innovation and the future of energy systems
  • Engagement and culture change of consumers of energy (public and industry)
  • Digitisation of the energy system
  • The socioeconomic impacts of energy systems and the ethical considerations
  • Awareness and understanding of the principles of community, decentralised and democratised energy systems

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • Awareness and understanding of how an energy system operates
  • A knowledge and understanding of the benefits and limitations of technologies currently used or being developed
  • Awareness and understanding of the impact of democratised energy systems

Subject-specific Skills:

  • Ability to evaluate the environmental effects from energy production and use
  • Understanding of the options for energy systems
  • Ability to evaluate technologies used in reducing environmental impact
  • Define ethics in relation to energy use
  • Ability to develop a narrative to explain alternate lifestyles and explain how these reduce Carbon Emissions

Key Skills:

  • Planning and managing time
  • Problem solving in complex multidisciplinary environments
  • Strategic thinking across a broad range of environmental and technical factors

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • The module content is delivered in lectures.
  • Students can make use of staff 'Tutorial Hours' to discuss any aspect of the module with teaching staff. These are sign up sessions which will be available to the students

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Lectures25Typically block taught over two weeks for full time students1 hour25 
Preparation and reading75 

Summative Assessment

Component: CourseworkComponent Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Coursework3000 words100 

Formative Assessment

Short video presentation on benefits and limitations of one or more technologies currently used or being developed. With supporting handout.

More information

If you have a question about Durham's modular degree programmes, please visit our Help page. If you have a question about modular programmes that is not covered by the Help page, or a query about the on-line Postgraduate Module Handbook, please contact us.

Prospective Students: If you have a query about a specific module or degree programme, please Ask Us.

Current Students: Please contact your department.